Position Applying for:
Server Moderator
Real Name:
Timothy Reavis
In-Game Name:
Live-chat Name:
pianoplayertdr (Skype)
Country in residence:
United States of America
First Language:
Second Language:
Other Languages:
Birthday (dd/mm/yyyy):
Have you ever been banned from a website before?
I have not been banned from a website before.
Have you participated on a staff team before?
Yes. At one point, I started a small server of my own for a few friends. I was admin and owner of this server, and while running it, I gained experience in moderating the problems that often arise among players on a server. In addition, I was promoted to moderator on another server, and in doing so, I was able to help run the server in a more efficient manner, including building a fantastic spawn building, which was featured on the server owner's YouTube channel.
Do you have any experience for this position?
Indeed. See the above question for more details.
Why do you deserve to have this rank?
I love PlebCraft, and I can honestly say I've had more fun on it than on any other server. In reality, it brought me back into the Minecraft mood, and I've never enjoyed the game as much as I have while playing on this server. That's why I want to do what I can to help keep PlebCraft a peaceful and friendly server. I have brought three new members to the server, not including myself, and I am intending to encourage a few more personal friends of mine to join.
I'm on the server fairly often (nearly every day), and there have been multiple times when a dispute of some sort broke out among Plebeians, and there wasn't a moderator or admin online to settle the discrepancy. Also, the server has had multiple spam bot attacks when no one was on to ban the IP of the perpetrator. By becoming a staff member, I can help prevent and resolve inter-member problems, as well as outside attacks.
In addition, I have massive plans for different structures I would like to build, and these would add to the beauty and art of the server. I have already begun one of these projects, which is one of the castles near spawn. Mine is marked by signs indicating I (AlarmClock) built it, and that it was built in Survival Mode. (The other one nearer to spawn was constructed by hobomuffin, and the two castles are joined by a long bridge.) I like to think of myself as a good builder, and as decent at redstone construction.
Also, I am 19 years old and in college, which may be some indicator of my maturity and ability to handle a variety of situations that may arise. I am aware of the responsibility that comes with being a staff member of PlebCraft, as I have seen what some of the current staff must endure, but I feel prepared to exercise patience and maturity when handling the requests and needs of the Plebeians.
Other information about you (hobby's, skills, etc...)
I'm currently pursuing a degree in Information Technology at a local college, which accurately indicates my love for computers and technology. I have experience in web development, I am fluent in HTML code, and I have a website of my own. I may be able to contribute my coding skills to the forums if need be. Also, I play the piano, and I have a YouTube channel dedicated to piano solos I compose, record, and upload.
I believe that covers most everything. Thank you for reviewing my Moderator application.
Timothy (AlarmClock)
Server Moderator
Real Name:
Timothy Reavis
In-Game Name:
Live-chat Name:
pianoplayertdr (Skype)
Country in residence:
United States of America
First Language:
Second Language:
Other Languages:
Birthday (dd/mm/yyyy):
Have you ever been banned from a website before?
I have not been banned from a website before.
Have you participated on a staff team before?
Yes. At one point, I started a small server of my own for a few friends. I was admin and owner of this server, and while running it, I gained experience in moderating the problems that often arise among players on a server. In addition, I was promoted to moderator on another server, and in doing so, I was able to help run the server in a more efficient manner, including building a fantastic spawn building, which was featured on the server owner's YouTube channel.
Do you have any experience for this position?
Indeed. See the above question for more details.
Why do you deserve to have this rank?
I love PlebCraft, and I can honestly say I've had more fun on it than on any other server. In reality, it brought me back into the Minecraft mood, and I've never enjoyed the game as much as I have while playing on this server. That's why I want to do what I can to help keep PlebCraft a peaceful and friendly server. I have brought three new members to the server, not including myself, and I am intending to encourage a few more personal friends of mine to join.
I'm on the server fairly often (nearly every day), and there have been multiple times when a dispute of some sort broke out among Plebeians, and there wasn't a moderator or admin online to settle the discrepancy. Also, the server has had multiple spam bot attacks when no one was on to ban the IP of the perpetrator. By becoming a staff member, I can help prevent and resolve inter-member problems, as well as outside attacks.
In addition, I have massive plans for different structures I would like to build, and these would add to the beauty and art of the server. I have already begun one of these projects, which is one of the castles near spawn. Mine is marked by signs indicating I (AlarmClock) built it, and that it was built in Survival Mode. (The other one nearer to spawn was constructed by hobomuffin, and the two castles are joined by a long bridge.) I like to think of myself as a good builder, and as decent at redstone construction.
Also, I am 19 years old and in college, which may be some indicator of my maturity and ability to handle a variety of situations that may arise. I am aware of the responsibility that comes with being a staff member of PlebCraft, as I have seen what some of the current staff must endure, but I feel prepared to exercise patience and maturity when handling the requests and needs of the Plebeians.
Other information about you (hobby's, skills, etc...)
I'm currently pursuing a degree in Information Technology at a local college, which accurately indicates my love for computers and technology. I have experience in web development, I am fluent in HTML code, and I have a website of my own. I may be able to contribute my coding skills to the forums if need be. Also, I play the piano, and I have a YouTube channel dedicated to piano solos I compose, record, and upload.
I believe that covers most everything. Thank you for reviewing my Moderator application.
Timothy (AlarmClock)
Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:52 pm by AlarmClock
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